week 2: Dike Rock tide pools

We spent our week 2 field trip at one of my favorite locations, Dike Rock tide pools. We narrowly missed
one of the biggest cliff collapses in recent years. Make sure to give the cliffs plenty of space, especially after heavy rain.

I pointed out a partially submerged rock as we walked from the pier to the tide pools. As we observed together, there were no sea stars visible on this rock. Back when I was an undergrad, I took this photo of that same rock.

Last week, with all of us intently searching, only @babettezhu managed to catch a glimpse of a sea star. As we discussed, sea stars experienced a massive die-off event around 2013-2014. You can find more information about the die-off event and recovery here.

Publicerat 27 januari 2023 19.16 av kuyeda kuyeda


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