Dagboksarkiv för maj 2020

9 maj 2020

Big Day

I was supposed to hike in Granger today, but one of the team was worn out so we canceled. Instead I documented my usual "bird crawl."

I fear I am a menace on eBird. The rare birds are a mystery to me. I just put mine in as the normal ones and they don't get photos. Not sure why they got excited about the starlings, but I am sure I will be hearing from them.

There were special moments today - the Black-bellied Whistling ducks flying in, a Green Heron and Northern Cardinal calling from the utility line, Lark Sparrows flying by and stopping long enough for a photo.

It was predominantly Cardinals, Mocking Birds, and Western Kingbirds today - oh, and the Black Vultures were out in force. I don't know that I have seen that large a group lately.

So, it was a nice day, but nothing to be too excited about. 27 species. I did better on CBC, but then I was there longer and it was winter - I could see the birds more easily. I think I need a nap.

Publicerat 9 maj 2020 19.37 av alflinn329 alflinn329 | 15 fynd | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar