06. Google quota increased - Observation Upload location search is working again

Google quota increased - Observation Upload location search is working again
https://crowdin.com/project/inaturalistios/nl# mijn wijziginen zijn na drie maanden ook goedgekeurd..

Can I add common names?

You can add common names by going to the Taxonomy tab on a taxon page and clicking "Add a Name", but please abide by the guidelines listed there as well as those listed in the Curator's Guide. https://inaturalist.ca/pages/curator%252bguide%252b%25252f%252bguide%252bconservateur

The import tool for the biodiversity4all migration is populating that
field, but its also been used by a few others:

Rules & Formatting
You must have a header row
Taxon name must match an existing taxon in our database
Only files with 10000 rows at a time, please
Use well-formed CSV. This means text with commas must be enclosed with double-quotes. Most spreadsheet applications should export CSV in this format.
Don't use double quotes anywhere else
Use unique file names for separate uploads
The geoprivacy column must be in English and must be blank or have a value of "obscured" or "private"

We can only understand CSV in the following format:

https://crowdin.com/project/inaturalistios/nl# mijn wijziginen zijn na drie maanden ook goedgekeurd..

I don't know if you have figured this out yet, but simply adding the Hebrew translation will have no impact (other than it being there as a reference). You must do the 2nd step I noted about adding the use in Israel place setting.
If you go to your account settings link, near the bottom of the centre column is a setting marked prioritize names used in, or something very similar to that, which you need to set to Israel.
== https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/inaturalist/common%7Csort:date/inaturalist/s3lvhqARVDU/cONZRRAzFAAJ
you can go to the specific taxa page, go to the taxonomy tab and at the bottom is an option to add names. This works best for individual cases or small numbers of entries. Because the site is not translated into Hebrew (I believe) or it to be really effective, after you do the entry you need to click edit next to it and then under the Places (Add Place) enter Israel
if you have access to a source of names that you can convert into a csv file the team should be able to upload it for you. The format they need I believe is scientific name, language name, translation. I dont know any Hebrew, so for example it would be (from one already entered) : Anas platyrhynchos, Hebrew, ברכיה
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/inaturalist/common%7Csort:date/inaturalist/P8iNMY0WYNM/-SiuBvqiCgAJ 'm now seeing what your text suggests. Is there a different or approved way other than the above to see names in a language into which the site has not been translated ?

On Friday, August 24, 2018 at 7:22:19 PM UTC-4, Ken-ichi Ueda wrote:
Ok, Chris sent me some screenshots and I think I understand the
problem: some people maybe using the place preference to get around
the lack of a translated language, e.g. Sweden and Swedish. Since I
don't want to rob Swedes of their names, I've changed the priority on
gorilla. Now it's more like this

1) Name in locale and place
2) Name in place
3) Name in locale and ancestor place (e.g. Europe)
4) Name in locale

That means if your prefs are English / Sweden, should see "Korp" at
the top of http://gorilla.inaturalist.org/taxa/8010-Corvus-corax, and
if your prefs are Spanish / Mexico, you should see "Meliloto Amarillo"
and the top of http://gorilla.inaturalist.org/taxa/57066-Melilotus-officinalis.

I think there's still a potential problem if your names place
preference is set to Stockholm (i.e. a place in Sweden), but that
seems like a lesser problem than English names showing up for Mexican
On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 2:35 PM Ken-ichi @gmail.com> wrote:


When you say, "I see Korp" I need to know where you see "Korp", so I
need a URL or a better yet screenshot showing the URL (or the app if
you're using one of the apps).
On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 11:15 AM Chris Cheatle @gmail.com> wrote:

Just to follow up on the above :

if both a Swedish and a Danish translation are entered - I see Swedish. For example Corvus corax is Ravn in Danish and Korp in Swedish. Both are entered and I see Korp.
If a Danish is entered, but no Swedish - I see the Danish. For example Limosa limosa has the Danish translation of Stor Kobbersneppe entered, but no Swedish translation - I see Stor Kobbersneppe

On Friday, August 24, 2018 at 1:52:34 PM UTC-4, Chris Cheatle wrote:


As you may know, I am one of the more frequent curator contributors of translations. Can you clarify the exact order of precedence in this change ?

You note " so language always gets priority over place,".

I set my language to Danish, but place to Sweden. When I do this I see Swedish names. Based on the above, should this be the case? I'd interpret that description to mean I should be seeing Danish.

On Thursday, August 23, 2018 at 8:15:26 PM UTC-4, Ken-ichi Ueda wrote:

We're testing a small change to how we show common names on http://gorilla.inaturalist.org (username: preview, pw: 313phant), and we'd appreciate it if folks can take a look and see if anything looks off with the common names you're seeing.

Long story is that a Mexican user was seeing English names for some taxa because those names had been associated with North America but not with Mexico, and in the absence of a Mexico-specific name, the North American name was superseding the language-specific Spanish name, which seemed wrong. What's on gorilla makes it so language always gets priority over place, so even if you've chosen Mexico as your place, if your language is set to Spanish you should always see a Spanish name, even if there's a name in a different language added for Mexico or some place containing Mexico. I'm hoping this won't be disruptive, but with all the feelings common names seem to provoke, I suspect that hope will be crushed.

1) Name in locale and place
2) Name in place
3) Name in locale and ancestor place (e.g. Europe)
4) Name in locale

That means if your prefs are English / Sweden, should see "Korp" at
the top of http://gorilla.inaturalist.org/taxa/8010-Corvus-corax, and
if your prefs are Spanish / Mexico, you should see "Meliloto Amarillo"
and the top of http://gorilla.inaturalist.org/taxa/57066-Melilotus-officinalis

quote]Thanks for the reports, folks. We recently moved house to a new server
provider ([b]Rackspace to Microsoft Azure, if you're curious)[/b]. We now
have a lot more room to grow, and Microsoft has been incredibly
generous in donating most of the resources we need on their platform,
so the move is actually a really good thing for all of us. The
downside is that like with any move, some things get jumbled or
overlooked. Right now we've got a few issues resolving some[b] SSL /
HTTPS requests,[/b] but we're working on it. Apologies for the
interruptions. [/quote]

On the cloud: iNat's assets are currently stored on Amazon Web Service, and the database is stored at Rackspace, we have backups at Datapipe

I found iNat's REST API reference here-> https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/api+reference

The iNat staff have said they do plan to incorporate a taxonomic view setting on the observations page. In the meantime you could try a URL like this (change the user_id from mine to yours and the taxon_id to whichever group you're interested in):


Or just leave it blank:

It can take a few moments to load.

Oh, and places, with place_id:

https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/taxa?user_id=bouteloua&place_id=24&taxon_id=47158 (insects I have observed in Iowa)

Easiest place to find both is to go to "Explore" (observations page) and filter by taxon and/or place. Check the URL for the IDs.
I don't know a way to view your observation images taxonomically. Can you explain more or visually illustrate what that would look like? e.g. if you had 50 observations of monarchs and 30 observations of viceroys, all 80 observations would display within the taxonomic hierarchy for Lepidoptera?Let’s say I want to see the species of Papilionoidea (butterflies) in New York that I’ve uploaded. I am not interested in total observations (so I don’t want 80 monarch images, just one), but I am interested in seeing the different species I’ve seen so I click on the species tab on that observation page and get a visual listing. So far, so good. The problem is that they appear as a mishmosh, based on dates uploaded, or taken, I think. No meaningful organization at all.

I’d like to then organize the results taxonomically (as they are in the life list), so I’d see first, say, the swallowtails, then the Lycaenids, Nymphalids, etc. That is my first choice. I think many users would find this useful.

If that is not possible I would at least like to have a listing of all the butterflies alphabetically, so I could see what species in each genera (even if they are not arranged phylogenetically) I have photographed (and thereby see which ones I’m missing.) To a non-programmer, I would think the latter (sorting alphabetically) in the ‘filters’ would not be so difficult to accomplish.

Another method is to create a life list for that given area (e.g. https://www.inaturalist.org/lists/835799-Ontario-List). Use the options "Reload from observations" and "Re-apply list rules" under "Tools" to make sure it's up to date (lists are kind of broken). You now have a list with your photos, which can be filtered taxonomically, and will show pictures ordered taxonomically (although it won't match any particular convention for order, so for butterflies the order is Swallowtails, Skippers, Brush-foots, Lycaenids, Pierids).

There is no direct link from here to your observations for that taxon.


Publicerat 5 september 2018 16.50 av ahospers ahospers


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