Join the Southwest Louisiana Master Naturalists this Spring!

I'm the president of the Southwest Louisiana Master Naturalists, so this holiday season is the time I spread the word about the upcoming 4th annual Southwest Louisiana Master Naturalist Program! The course will consist of 12 six hour workshops focused on different taxa, SWLA habitats, and naturalist skills. Most workshops will take place in the Lake Charles area and are pretty much 50/50 lecture/field. The course is open to anyone 18 years or older who's interested in learning about nature. Apply today!

So far, Southwest Louisiana Master Naturalists have contributed over 7,000 observations of almost 2,000 species to iNaturalist and we're continuing to grow in number and impact!

I've tagged the prominent iNat observers in SWLA. Please consider joining us for the course and let your friends know about us! I hear the course makes a great holiday gift that keeps giving!

@feistyone @kgardner @robjamax @paspalum1 @heteromyid @barbara32 @bradmoon @lifeagogo @pmpalmer @bearly33 @mjwalrus @bjkauffman @henicorhina @thehaplesshiker @biggi24 @carrie37 @terrapinjoe @c-merritt @jciv @hannahburnett @clayardoin @skinne1

Publicerat 26 november 2018 16.39 av ilouque ilouque


When do the classes begin?

Inlagt av feistyone över 5 år sedan

@feistyone, classes start on February 2.

Inlagt av ilouque över 5 år sedan

I'm actually doing the master naturalist program with the northwest Louisiana chapter. I really recommend the program!

Inlagt av c-merritt över 5 år sedan

@ilouque Thanks! Oh, I forgot to ask...When is the deadline to apply?

Inlagt av feistyone över 5 år sedan

We'll be accepting applications until we have 20 students or January 26 (I think).

Inlagt av ilouque över 5 år sedan

Awesome thanks!

Inlagt av feistyone över 5 år sedan

Spectacular! Love seeing all of the good observations out of Louisiana — hope the new batch of master naturalists will utilize iNat in some of the trainings! :)

Inlagt av sambiology över 5 år sedan

Yes, join the club!

Inlagt av robjamax över 5 år sedan

@ilouque Y’all still have some openings left?

Inlagt av feistyone över 5 år sedan

@feistyone, yep!

Inlagt av ilouque över 5 år sedan

Cool, thanks!

Inlagt av feistyone över 5 år sedan

@ilouque I don't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be too join this go round. My daughter is having major surgery on February 5th, and I'll be needed at home. Are classes only offered once per year?

Inlagt av feistyone över 5 år sedan

Yeah, once per year. No problem! Hopefully you can join us in the future. We'll be looking to host a few public events in conjunction with the City Nature Challenge on April 26-29. so maybe you can come out to some of those!

Inlagt av ilouque över 5 år sedan

Okay, I kind of figured, just making sure. I definitely plan to join. I don't see why I wouldn't be able to participate then. I look forward to it. Thanks again!

Inlagt av feistyone över 5 år sedan

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