North section - 11/04/2022

Friday, 9:20-10:58 am. no live newts. 7 dead newts.
Weather: cold. Los Gatos got about 0.44" of rain this week -

Coverage: Jones trailhead to the second stop sign. I walked with Sophie L. and ??
Newts: 7 dead newts, pretty dry. I wonder why we haven't found more newts, and other animals. It rain on Tuesday, and a bit more on Wednesday.
Other roadkills: fence lizards, Jerusalem Crickets, a skipper, caterpillars, and the first millipede of the year.
Traffic: 27 cars, 4 trucks, 0 motorcycles, 0 bikes, 4 pedestrians, 20 parked cars (1 car at the farther parking lot).
My observations of the day -

Publicerat 4 november 2022 20.10 av merav merav


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