The Taxa of Taiwan's Jumble Dragonfly (En) 台灣「無霸勾蜓」的學名 (Tw)

There are 2 taxa used for Taiwan’s Jumble Dragonfly that one can easily find on the internet nowadays. One is Anotogaster sieboldii, which is the same as the species distributes in Japan. The other is Anotogaster klossi. Which one is more appropriate as of now?

Here are some examples of the websites (or articles) that use the taxon, A. sieboldii.
Gaga’s website of bugs:
Forestery Bureau: (posted on the website of e-info)

Some websites (or articles) that employ the taxon of A. klossi.
Academia Sinica :
Taiwan’s national parks:
Global Biodiversity Information Facility

After seeing the above-mentioned examples, I think that one can easily tell which taxon has more endorsements from authorities. Apparently, it's the one used by Academia Sinica, A. klossi.

We can easily find some research papers on the internet about Jumble dragonfly, which occurs in East Asia. As early as March, 2008, Japanese researcher, KIYOSHI Takuya published his study based on mitochondrial gene genealogy.(1) At the time, the Jumble dragonfly in Japan and Taiwan were considered the same species, A. sieboldii. His paper pointed out that Populations of Taiwan and Yaeyama Groups would have been separated from the continental ones in Pleistocene, and he further divided A. sieboldii into 6 population groups based on gene difference.

Later in 2012, Japanese researchers KARUBE Haruki et al published another paper based on nuclear and mitochondrial gene genealogies and morphological comparison with allied species, which distinguished the Jumble dragonfly Japanese and northern Asian population from southern ones (those in Taiwan, Yaeyama). Based on that paper, Taiwan’s TaiEOL updated the taxa of Taiwan’s Jumble dragonfly population as “A. Klossi”.

According to the article published by Japanese researcher AOKI Takashi (3), A. sieboldii distributes in the northern part of East Asia, including Japan’s main islands to southern islands of Amami and Okinawa, Sakhalin, Korean Peninsula, Siberia and China. Meanwhile, A. klossi occurs in southern areas like Iriomote and Ishigaki of Yaeyama archipelago, Taiwan and south-eastern Asia.

「無霸勾蜓」的學名宁網路頂兮的資料基本上有兩款寫法,一个是 Anotogaster sieboldii,另外一个是 Anotogaster Klossi。是愛用佗一个較適當咧?

用 Anotogaster sieboldii 的網站有:

林務局: (環境資料中心轉載)

另外,用 Anotogaster Klossi 的有茲的:

Global Biodiversity Information Facility

我想:看着以上遐的連結,逐家應該嘛知佗一个學名較有權威。當然是中研院用的彼个,A. Klossi。亦若是欲了解此隻田蛜的特徵、習性、請參考以上各種連結。本文主要是欲討論現此時佗一个學名較適當。

較早進前的資料朗是用 A. sieboldii,偕日本仝款。宁2008年,日本學者清拓哉(KIYOSHI Takuya)對 A. sieboldii 研究有新發現(1)。伊研究粒線體基因的譜系(以普通人的話來講就是「血統」),然後按照遺傳基因分子的特徵判斷:(論文的文摘講)台灣以及奄美大島所分布的族群佇「更新世(pleistocene)」就已經偕大陸的族群分開矣。

後來,又閣有苅部 治紀 (KARUBE Haruki) 等人宁 2012 年所發表的粒線體基因分子研究(2),「臺灣生物多樣性國家資訊網」嘛引用來加「無霸勾蜓」的學名按 Anotogaster sieboldii (Selys, 1854) 改成 Anotogaster klossii Fraser, 1919。

根據日本的學者青木典司(AOKI Takashi)佇伊的網站的文章講 Anotogaster sieboldii 是分布佇東北亞日本(含沖縄本島)、庫頁島、朝鮮半島、中國以及西伯利亞。另外 Anotogaster klossi 此種的是佇八重山列島內的石垣島,西表島、台灣偕東南亞。(3)


  1. KIYOSHI, T., 2008. Differentiation of golden‐ringed dragonfly Anotogaster sieboldii (Selys, 1854) (Cordulegastridae: Odonata) in the insular East Asia revealed by the mitochondrial gene genealogy with taxonomic implications
  2. Karube, H., R. Futahashi, A. Sasamoto & Itsuro Kawashima, 2012. Taxonomic revision of Japanese odonate species, based on nuclear and mitochondrial gene genealogies and morphological comparison with allied species. Part 1. Tombo Fukui, 54: 75-106.
Publicerat 12 september 2021 12.21 av aru aru


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