07/07/22 Youth event – Frog survey: Yellingbo

Notes from: a Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater hosted citizen science event.
No data is good data.
The Youth Reference Group of the Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater spent the afternoon in search of Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog, a ‘banana box’ frog that had been introduced into the area. Protecting the native species is a priority in the reserve. Introduced species can alter the ecology on the habitat they’re found in, as well as carry the risk of bringing in diseases and other bugs with them. The Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog had been found in the reserve in previous surveys, and the Friends wanted to know whether this tropical species would survive the harsh Victorian winter.
The day came with sporadic rain and an assortment of feathered companions who followed our journey with both curiosity and indifference; Kookaburras who watched from the trees and Superb Fairy-wrens who danced on the grass below. Some frog calls were identified, yet despite the time spent meticulously scouring the reeds with binoculars until our eyes crossed, no amphibians were spotted. But this didn’t matter, as we were given the opportunity to find something else even rarer, and what a blessing that was.
Despite having found no evidence, on this occasion, of the Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog residing in the reserve, the Friends will conduct another survey later in the year.

Text by: Cerrita Louw

Thank you Cerrita :)

Publicerat 16 juli 2022 18.01 av regnans regnans


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