18/10/23 Flora & Fungi survey: Yellingbo

Notes from: a Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater hosted citizen science event.
A gentle breeze, warmth to the air and blue skies with hardly a cloud in the sky - perfect morning for our survey!
Our aim today? Learn how to ID the spring orchids found in a beautiful patch of Macclesfield bushland, and record them, along with any other things of interest. In flower were Spotted Sun-orchids, Common Bird Orchids and Eastern Bronzehood Orchids, whilst the Large Tongue-orchids and a Small Tongue-orchid had flower spikes. We looked really hard for Wax-lip and Elbow Orchids, but none were seen today. There was evidence of the Tall Greenhoods having flowered and been fertilised. In amongst the orchids were all sorts of other fabulous plants, a couple of skinks seen scurrying, including a Pale-flecked Garden Sunskink, and an awesome spider that laid flat along the leanest of grass stems thinking we couldn't see it, all recorded!
Great job everyone!!
Thanks also to Robert for a fabulous hazelnut and berry slice, fresh from the oven. We all went back for a 2nd piece, and took some home - or was that just me?? Thank you Robert 😊💓

Publicerat 18 oktober 2023 06.53 av regnans regnans


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