Dagboksarkiv för mars 2019

7 mars 2019

Fresh water mussels

Yes, they exist and they have a life cycle moment hitching rides in fish gills.


Publicerat 7 mars 2019 20.08 av catchang catchang | 2 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

15 mars 2019

Mites, Mites, Mites

United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service
Agriculture Handbook Number 573
An Illustrated Guide
to Plant Abnonnalities Caused by Eriophyid Mites in North America
By Hartford H. Keifer, Edward W. Baker, Tokuwo Kono, Mercedes Delfinado, and William E. Styer


Publicerat 15 mars 2019 01.55 av catchang catchang | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

Marsh Plants of SF Bay

Selected Tidal Marsh Plant Species of the San Francisco Estuary
A Field Identification Guide


Publicerat 15 mars 2019 20.41 av catchang catchang | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar