Dagboksarkiv för april 2016

18 april 2016

"First Flowers" mini-project

I'm starting a mini-project to document the first time each plant species flowers in my area. This includes both naturalized plants and landscape/garden plants, so long as the latter overwintered (and thus were affected by winter) or else were planted from seed. I am not including anything that was germinated inside (seed starts or plants purchased at a store) since they don't have as much of a story to tell about the winter. I am definitely including invasive species and other introduced species though.

I am only doing this in places I go nearly every day (home and the forest near where I work) so I don't miss things for very long.

If you would like to join in, please do! Just give the relevant observations the tag 'FirstFlowers'

Publicerat 18 april 2016 17.13 av charlie charlie | 5 fynd | 2 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar