3 augusti 2019

Unhappy people

Recently someone here on INat did a cut and past on multiple observations of mine
Complaining that I do to many observations of the same thing
Because I or me and two other people spent a day driving 60 miles
To log ponderosa pines
Well I guess they were unhappy that I did this and decided
To do a cut and paste crying that it wasn’t fair !!!!
That I had done this !!!!!
My response is get out and do your own observations
When I saw there profile and noticed they were from Brazil
I was like WTF is your problem, why are you complaining
Because I get out and do observations of pine trees ???
I still don’t understand why they are complaining is it about
At first I thought maybe a troll account ???
Or another idiot who sits on there ass and complains
And won’t go out and explore
The crazy thing is they are from one of the most
Bio Diverse areas on the planet
All I can say is I envy you
And get a damn life


Publicerat 3 augusti 2019 05.40 av ck2az ck2az | 3 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

21 februari 2019

Monk parakeets El Paso

I’m reposting this from my first observation of these

I’ll explain this for other people here on INat
The Monk is the only parakeet that is firmly established
In the El Paso area to include Mexico, per a gentleman
Who was at this park area and work for game and fish
It’s not very well liked by farmers, Cell phone company’s
And the electric utility, there nesting colony’s in this area
Are build on high voltage Tri-cycle lines and cell towers
And typically number around 75-100 individuals there are around 50 plus known colonies in this area to include Mexico, the farmers I guess hate them because they destroy fruit and nut crops in the area
Again this is per Jason the only parakeet
Known to be established in this area
The others that may be seen are most definitely
Escapees and typically do not survive
this is the first of three unique observations I’m going to
Post of these

Publicerat 21 februari 2019 06.45 av ck2az ck2az | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

7 januari 2019


The reason for posting so many are because of the different types, I was ask to post them from a friend
And researcher please have patience I’m only doing it for a week

Publicerat 7 januari 2019 17.00 av ck2az ck2az | 1 kommentar | Lämna en kommentar

29 december 2018

Storm totals

So the storm has passed. And now the digging out begins
We had a total of 46 inches of snow here in Cloudcroft, NM
Not bad I’m hopeful we will get some more because
The last few winters have been pathetic hear
Single storm record here was 101 inches that happened many years ago
So far we are looking good

Publicerat 29 december 2018 19.07 av ck2az ck2az | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

27 december 2018

Winter Storm

Since 0530 this morning we have picked up over 18 ins of snow
In Cloudcroft, NM
With a total of 15-19 ins more by Friday morning
Trip to El Paso tomorrow is going to be fun

Publicerat 27 december 2018 02.30 av ck2az ck2az | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

22 oktober 2018


Another milestone here on INat
10,000 plus observations of creosote

Publicerat 22 oktober 2018 02.52 av ck2az ck2az | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

14 oktober 2018

Echinocactus horizonthalonius

I have a running bet on how many of these are in otero co.
A gentleman said the were rare I’m calling BS

Publicerat 14 oktober 2018 01.02 av ck2az ck2az | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

13 oktober 2018

ID mistake

It just dawned on me that I’ve been misidentifying
Arrowweed and coyote brush or should I say mixing
Them up... feel free to correct if you see the mistake

Publicerat 13 oktober 2018 16.09 av ck2az ck2az | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

31 juli 2018


So while I was gone fishing in the flat-top wilderness of Colorado
We had a complete moron here in cloudcroft, nm
That thought he was the bear whisperer
the end result was 8.... yes that would be 8 bears were put down
Because the moron had them living in his house and a garage
UnFu€£ing Real sorry about the language but this is a BIG number 2
Or second go-around for pulling this, and the bears come out the big loser
He didn’t get a fine or anything.
Does hat make any sense at all ???

Publicerat 31 juli 2018 03.53 av ck2az ck2az | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

30 juli 2018

Colorado trip

Had a incredible trip to Colorado we spent most of our time in the Flat-Top Wilderness north
Of glenwood springs and then pikes peak then all the way down the I-25 corridor
It may take me a year to post the photos but I’ll get it done

Publicerat 30 juli 2018 13.06 av ck2az ck2az | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar