Dagboksarkiv för november 2020

9 november 2020

A weekend on a Wadden Island

Had a great weekend on the island of Schiermonnikoog, one of the Wadden Islands of the Netherlands. It's a fourty minute boat ride from the mainland but you feel on a totally different place. Here a collection of all the great stuff I saw.

Secretly I was hoping to find a Goneplax rhomboides, but sightings are rare so I didn't get my hopes up. (Well, maybe I did, secretly!) I did not find one, but did see my favourite, Corystes cassivelaunus.

Interestingly there were loads of dead birds on the island. After some looking around and talking to people I found out there's a bird flu raging around the islands.

Ofcourse loads of C. maenas, Liocarcinus & some cool jellies and sea stars. My search for the G. rhomboides continues!

Publicerat 9 november 2020 11.10 av crabbymaxie crabbymaxie | 49 fynd | 2 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar