23 november 2020

Green Anole meets Wheel Bugs

At 4:11 this afternoon, I photographed a pair of Wheel bugs mating. They were making their way slowly across the fence-top. Thirty minutes later, I glanced over and saw that they had made it across 5 more planks. Slow going.

Then, I realized that a Green anole was perched atop the next plank. Was he sizing up his next meal? I held my breath, as I watched the Wheel bugs slowly progressing towards the anole. The anole was eyeing the bugs, but I couldn't tell whether he was going to retreat or attack. The photo I took shows the moment of vulnerability when the Wheel bug stepped off her plank towards the Anole's plank - one foot in midair.

And then, the anole shifted slightly to the side, allowing them to share his plank and pass on by. He stood completely still until they had moved beyond him. Then, he puffed his throat for me and patiently let me get a few pictures.

So, do Green anoles eat Wheel bugs? And, why do Wheel bugs walk while mating? Was the anole throat puffing towards me or about the encounter he had just had?

(Two observations linked below.)

Publicerat 23 november 2020 03.40 av launi launi | 2 fynd | 2 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar
