Mar 1 - The Dragons are coming!

Yes! It’s possible to see Odonata in March. Maybe not right away, but I saw my first Red-winged Blackbird about 10 days ago, and many Killdeer yesterday, so I’m hopeful that I'll survive the winter and find a dragonfly soon.

Here’s a map of Counties with observations in March. Darker where observations are in the last 5 years. Montgomery and Coshocton have one or two more than the other counties. Notice counties with observations – north to south, east to west. If your county isn’t purple, here’s your chance.

Counties with observations in March. Darker where observations are in the last 5 years. Montgomery and Coshocton have one or two more than the other counties.

Species Earliest
Flight Date
All Data
Recent Years
Variegated Meadowhawk
Sympetrum corruptum
12-Mar 4 1 Yes
Fragile Forktail
Ischnura posita
20-Mar 2 No
Common Green Darner
Anax junius
20-Mar 24 23 Yes
Swamp Darner
Epiaeschna heros
29-Mar 1 1 Maybe

Many of our earliest sightings are individuals that are migrating on the spring stormfronts. They can drop out of the sky at any wetland, or maybe your backyard.

Publicerat 1 mars 2022 21.12 av jimlem jimlem


This time of year is when I start having dreams about dragonflies. Thanks for the info, Jim!

Inlagt av lgilbert över 2 år sedan

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