Maricopa County Parks Eco-Blitzs Dagbok

Dagboksarkiv för april 2021

1 april 2021

April Eco-Blitz Challenge Master Blister Beetle

April Challenge- Master Blister Beetle: These colorful beetles can grow up to a couple of inches long, with a nice mix of deep black and bright red/ orange. They are often found in in the springtime when the brittlebush, a very common desert shrub, is flowering; they feed on the petals and pollen as adults but live an entirely different life as immature larvae. Blister beetles are great to watch, but do not touch, the yellow oozing blood is used to keep predators away and can cause blisters on the skin.
Lets see how many you can find!!
link to flyer
Happy Hiking Eco-blitzers!

Publicerat 1 april 2021 20.11 av juanitajn5 juanitajn5 | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

22 april 2021

Happy Earth Day!

Hey did you know that many of the west valley mayors proclaimed today as White Tank's Wild Day?
How cool is that? Go out and enjoy this beautiful weather at one of your favorite parks! Remember to keep our wildlands wild:-)

Publicerat 22 april 2021 23.08 av juanitajn5 juanitajn5 | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar