OBS! Vissa eller alla av bestämningarna som påverkas av denna uppdelning kan ha ersatts med bestämningar av Anemoneae. Detta händer när vi inte automatiskt kan tilldela en bestämning till ett uttaxon. Granska bestämningar av Anemone 51242

Taxonomic Split 55691 (Bekräftad den 5-10-2019)

This taxon split of Anemone follows the recent revisions of Anemone s. l., by Mosyakin et al. and others. Many of the genera are already well known such as Hepatica or Pulsatilla.

Knowltonia is group that has its distribution mainly in the southern hemisphere, but some species are found as far north as Mexico.

Anemonoides is a genus where many rhizomatous woodland species like Anemone nemorosa can be found.

Eriocapitella is the genus that was erected for the well known and often cultivated Japanese/Chinese Anemones and related species.

POWO (Citering)
Tillagd av bouteloua den 17 april 2019 21.11 | Bekräftad av kai_schablewski den 5 oktober 2019
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I agree with the taxon split in general, but Omalocarpus is in the family Sapindaceae and Keiskea is also a synonym of the genus Collinsonia (Lamiaceae)

"If some or all of the outputs lack atlases, or if atlases overlap for a given record, identifications will be replaced with identifications of the nearest common ancestor taxon. "

-> that sounds like it could create a taxonomic chaos...

Inlagt av kai_schablewski nästan 5 år sedan

Thanks, I swapped Keiskea into Collinsonia and removed it and Omalocarpus from this taxon change.

The common ancestor of the output taxa is now Anemoneae, which seems correct. Good to split?

Inlagt av bouteloua nästan 5 år sedan

Can someone please point me to the publication that revived Anemonoides after Mosyakin (2016) treated it as a synonym of Anemone?

Inlagt av ceiseman 10 dagar sedan

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