Dagboksarkiv för mars 2019

16 mars 2019

Field work break

I spent the week in the field in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve working on two studies. One is researching methods for removing Pennisetum setaceum from wash communties. The other is researching methods of restoring old wildcat trails. After today's work on the first project in Quartz Wash, I took advantage of an opportunity to compile some observations along that trail. As with so many places in central Arizona, the abundant fall rains have produced abundant vegetation.

Next week, more restoration study work (much of it spent on my knees, as in the avatar photo), then on to another study, evaluating of methods of removing Pennisetum ciliare from upland areas.

Publicerat 16 mars 2019 03.33 av stevejones stevejones | 55 fynd | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar