Dagboksarkiv för december 2021

10 december 2021

Germinating rain

Much of Arizona had good rains yesterday, the first rainfall since October 5th at my location. We had 0.60" overnight, which ought to be enough to kick-start germination for spring wildflowers and grasses. Another season begins.

Publicerat 10 december 2021 16.58 av stevejones stevejones | 5 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

20 december 2021

Who knew?

In all the years I've been staring into creosote bushes, I never noticed that the leaves have hairs until I noticed them in these photos. The angle of the lighting made them stand out, especially at the lower left. The hairs are appressed and covered with the waxy leaf coating for which the shrub is famous, but scratching lightly at the surface, or soaking leaves in alcohol, will reveal the hairs.

Publicerat 20 december 2021 17.06 av stevejones stevejones | 1 kommentar | Lämna en kommentar