Taiwan Dragonflies and Damselfliess Dagbok

Dagboksarkiv för augusti 2018

6 augusti 2018

doggy0406 top the list of "Most Species"

Good job!

@doggy0406 has been the member who observed the most species in the Project after "Pseudocopera ciliata" was added yesterday, Aug. 5, 2018 (Taiwan time, UTC+8). With 216 observations, he logged 54 species, which made him one of the most efficient observers in the Project. Besides, he also contributed many first species in the Project. Thanks to his diligent observation of odonata species, this project has been greatly enriched. Thank you, doggy0406!


doggy0406 在昨天新增了「環紋琵蟌」之後,成為本計畫中觀察到最多物種的成員。他的 216 筆觀察記錄中,就涵蓋了 54 個物種,堪稱本計畫最有效率的觀察者之一。此外,他也貢獻了許多個第一筆觀察記錄。由於他的辛勤觀察,本計畫生色不少。謝謝你 doggy0406!

Publicerat 6 augusti 2018 01.26 av aru aru | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

13 augusti 2018

Making an Odonata Checklist of your own / 製作你自己專屬的台灣蜻蜓名錄


You probably know there is a "Life List" generated by the system, in which all the organism you logged here are listed. But besides that most of you do not use "Lists" at all. Why don't you make one to track how many Taiwan's odonata species you have logged, and how many are there waiting for you to record?

"Project List & Odonata Checklist of Taiwan" was published here almost 2.5 moths ago. The announcement was meant to tell you there is a Checklist available here on this Project, and if you like, you can use it to make one of your own. Just download the Project List's CSV file and upload it to the list you make, which can save you much time.

Click on [ Project List ], which is located on the right side of the map. Aft entering the list, go to the bottom the page. On the left side, you will find small words [ Download CSV Taxonomic CSV ] , c-> ("Click On") CSV, then the CSV file of project list will be automatically downloaded.

Then go back to your home page.
("Click On") c-> [ Lists ] -> you'll be directed to new page!
in the new page, c-> [ New List ] -> you'll be directed to new page!
in the new page, fill in the "title" & "Description"
c-> [ Save ] -> you'll be directed to new page!
in the new page, on the right side [ Add to your list ] c-> [ Add batch ]
Pop up a new page, go to its bottom, c-> [ choose file ]
Then choose the file you downloaded (CSV file of this project list)
c-> [ Upload CSV ]

Voila! You get the Checklist of Odonata species in Taiwan.


在個人主頁中有一個 Lists 的功能,我想大部分的人都不曾使用過,只知道裡面有一個系統自動產生的 Life list 。

我們這個專案的名錄 Project List 就是「台灣蜻蜓名錄」,如果你到這個專案名錄,你可以很清楚的知道:我們已經記錄了多少物種,而還有哪些是到目前為止,都沒有任何紀錄的。如果你有了一個自己專屬的台灣蜻蜓名錄 (Checklist),那麼你也可以了解有多少是自己已經記錄的,還有哪些是還沒有記錄到的。

除了可以用來了解自己所記錄的物種之外,其實名錄 (checklist) 最大的用途是告訴我們有哪些選項。當你觀察到一隻豆娘或一隻蜻蜓,它是屬於哪個物種的呢?如果要在幾千種當中逐一審視,那實在是工程浩大,但是如果有一份名錄,那麼5900百多個選項馬上減少到 100多個,如果能夠簡單地區分出科別 (family),那麼再根據特徵細分,可能的選項大多不超過五六個。所以名錄是個很好的工具,基本上是必備的。

各位除了觀察台灣的蜻蜓之外,我也希望各位能在 iNat 中去瀏覽外國的蜻蜓,甚至試著去鑑定外國物種。可以從我們鄰近的國家開始,這些國家通常有不少物種和台灣相同。當然在鑑定別的國家蜻蜓的種類之前,最好能先找到該國或地區的名錄,了解有那些選項。有些外表看來和台灣的物種十分相似,但未必是我們在台灣所熟悉的物種。

自己專屬的台灣蜻蜓名錄製作方法很簡單,只要先進入專案名錄的頁面,下載 CSV 檔案,然後將該檔案上傳到你所製作的 List 即可。


  1. 先到本專案的主頁,在地圖的右手邊可以看到 Project List,點擊進入。
  2. 進入Project list 頁面之後,到最下面靠近左下角的地方,下載 CSV 檔案。
    3, 回到自己的主頁 Home,然後選擇 Lists,點擊進入之後,在左上方可以看到 New List 。選取 New list ,進入一個製作「清單」 List 的畫面;輸入清單的名稱與敘述之後,選 Save。

  3. 然後在 Add to you list 的地方,右邊有兩個小字 Add batch ,選取進入。
  4. 這時畫面會跳出一個較小的視窗,直接選取開小視窗左下「選擇檔案」。
  5. 選擇剛才下載的CSV檔案,然後選擇上傳 Upload CSV。


Publicerat 13 augusti 2018 07.17 av aru aru | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

31 augusti 2018

Statistics as of Aug 31, 2018

....item......... number.... comparing with prior month
species: .............87.............+5

Though the system indicated total species observed was 87, among which there were 3 ssp not counted. So, the total number of species and subspecies are 90. Those newly added to the project in Aug. are listed as follows,

....TW. Name............................ Taxa ....................................................... Date

-- ...霜白蜻蜓(西里亞種) Orthetrum pruinosum clelia (Selys, 1878) 8/16
87...陽明晏蜓..Planaeschna taiwana Asahina, 1951 .........................8/12
86...隱紋絲蟌..Lestes (Platylestes) praemorsus decipiens Kirby, 1893...8/12
85...蔚藍細蟌..Paracercion melanotum (Selys, 1876)....................... 8/1 (8/9 id)
84...鉤尾春蜓..Lamelligomphus formosanus (Matsumura, 1926)..8/5
83...烏帶晏蜓..Anax nigrofasciatus nigrofasciatus Oguma, 1915.....8/4
(Tsao, 2013)

Those 3 sp. with 2 ssp. but only counted one in the tally are,

.... Orthetrum pruinosum clelia (Selys, 1878) 霜白蜻蜓(西里亞種)
.... Orthetrum pruinosum neglectum (Rambur, 1842) 霜白蜻蜓(中印亞種)

.... Leptogomphus sauteri formosanus Matsumura, 1926 紹德春蜓(嘉義亞種)
.... Leptogomphus sauteri sauteri Ris, 1912 紹德春蜓(恆春亞種)

.... Psolodesmus mandarinus dorothea Williamson, 1904 中華珈蟌(南台亞種)
.... Psolodesmus mandarinus mandarinus McLachlan, 1870 中華珈蟌(原名、廈門亞種)
(Lin & Yang 2016)

New members joined in Aug are,

....user_id....... date(M/dd)

  1. chienjenwang 8/25
  2. wshxtd 8/11
  3. mojito2 8/5
  4. allenlyu 8/4

The research showed there were almost 120 odonate species on the wing in Sept.; the peak is in Jul, when a bit shy of 140 species can be sighted, after the number gradually reduces at about 10 species fewer per month till Oct. Then drastically dropping in Nov. to less than 80. (Yeh, 2009). So, it's still good time to observe Taiwan's odonates in this month. Looking forward to seeing your great observations and good luck!


  1. Tsao, Mei-Hua 曹美華 2013, The website 台灣蜻蜓 "The Dragonflies of Taiwan". http://taiwandragonfly.blogspot.com/
  2. Lin & Yang 林斯正;楊平世 2016, An illustrated identification guide to the Odonata of Taiwan 臺灣蜻蛉目昆蟲檢索圖鑑, Published by TESRI, Nantou, Taiwan 行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心。
  3. Yeh, Wen-Chi 葉文琪, 2009 "The Diversity of Taiwan's Odonata Fauna" 「台灣蜻蜓目昆蟲的多樣性」, published by Forestry Research Newsletter 林業研究專訊 Vol. 16 No. 1., Taiwan

edited: 04:33pm, Sept. 1, 2018
03:14am, Sept. 1, 2018

Publicerat 31 augusti 2018 17.10 av aru aru | 2 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar