Taiwan Dragonflies and Damselfliess Dagbok

Dagboksarkiv för augusti 2022

18 augusti 2022

四斑細蟌(Mortonagrion hirosei Asahina, 1972)

2022-08-15 22:00 採訪/撰稿 張岱屏 攝影/剪輯 顏子惟

節肢動物門 Arthropoda » 昆蟲綱 Insecta » 蜻蛉目 Odonata » 細蟌科 Coenagrionidae (日:イトトンボ科 / 中:蟌科) » 桑色系蟌屬 Mortonagrion (日:モートンイトトンボ属 / 中:妹蟌屬 *1)

學名:Mortonagrion hirosei Asahina, 1972
英:Four-spot Midget

桑色系蟌屬 Genus Mortonagrion (日:モートンイトトンボ属 / 中:妹蟌屬)
在 TaiEOL 上,台灣有兩隻,但是另一隻「月斑細蟌」Mortonagrion selenion (Ris, 1916)(*3) 是「傳說級」的。

種名 hirosei 是取自兩位發現者(廣瀬誠、小菅次男)中的廣瀬(Hirose)。因在茨城県的涸沼(ひぬま, ヒヌマ, Hinuma)發現(*4),所以日本名(俗名)就取作ヒヌマ。中文名和英文名很好理解,就是來自他身上那四個醒目的斑點。而港名則是採種名,發現者廣瀬。

IUCN Red List 上的分類是 NT, Near Threatened「近危(易危)」(*5)

Taiwan Plus 上的介紹 2022.8.16


ヒヌマイトトンボ Mortonagrion hirosei Asahina, 1972

Mortonagrion hirosei Asahina, 1972 廣瀨妹蟌


  1. 中国蜻蜓大图鉴 张浩淼 著 重庆大学出版社有限公司 2019-01-10
    1.1 「桑色系蟌屬」是從「自然保育季刊第五十三期」(註2)中看到的,本以為是中国的命名,但是张博士的著作較新,所以取张博士著作中的名稱為中国命名。

  2. 自然保育季刊 第五十三期 葉文琪、林秀麗、曹美華著 2006.3 https://tpl.ncl.edu.tw/NclService/pdfdownload?filePath=lV8OirTfsslWcCxIpLbUfjZg0Lf53lE5oxjdYd_3w7HFmSPlow0CifsxgJXR66er&imgType=Bn5sH4BGpJw=&key=IjlB6A7n53GTzYG8VcK4JqIUjR-FBfG2FenC9h5_tIaKgWSYS08VnQ==&xmlId=0005895210
  3. 月斑細蟌 モートンイトトンボ Mortonagrion selenion (Ris, 1916) https://www.odonata.jp/03imago/Coenagrionidae/Mortonagrion/selenion/index.html
  4. ヒヌマイトトンボ https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%92%E3%83%8C%E3%83%9E%E3%82%A4%E3%83%88%E3%83%88%E3%83%B3%E3%83%9C
  5. IUCN Red List 上的分類 https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/13891/4362234

5:27pm, Aug. 18, 2022 (Thu)

Publicerat 18 augusti 2022 09.27 av aru aru | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

21 augusti 2022

Orthetrum melania continentale 灰黑蜻蜓大陸亞種

The very first observation log being identified as "Othetrum melania continentale" on iNat is observed & id by @shin-ming_ku at following URL.

在iNat上第一個使用「灰黑蜻蜓」新學名的觀察紀錄是由古訓銘於8月16日上傳,並於8月17日鑑別的。下面的 URL 就是該觀察記錄。


In fact, all the obs of O. melania observed in Taiwan should be re-id as this ssp. So, from now on, PLS id those Orthetrum melania oberved in Taiwan as such.


There was a post here talking about potential taxon changes on Taiwan's odonata checklist. (*1) One of them is O. melania. Sasamoto & Futahashi (2013) used techniques of genetic analyses and morphology to further divide O. melania into 5 subspecies. Those O. melania in Taiwan as well as mainland China and Korea were categorized as ssp. continentale.



  1. https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/taiwan-dragonflies-damselflies/journal/27962-possible-taxon-change-in-the-checklist-of-taiwan

01:49, Aug. 22, 2022

Publicerat 21 augusti 2022 17.49 av aru aru | 5 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

24 augusti 2022

朝雲細蟌學名更動 Taxon Change: Ischnura rubilio

臺灣稱「朝雲細蟌」的可愛豆娘,原本臺灣使用的學名為Ischnura aurora,其實在世界上分布很廣,西至印度,南至紐澳,北至日本,甚至是太平洋中央的島嶼都有分布,根據 Lorenzo-Carballa et al. (2022) 基於分生與形態的研究,他們認為南太平洋 (紐西蘭、澳洲、玻里尼西亞) 的才是真正的Ischnura aurora,其他地方的是Ischnura rubilio,而臺灣的朝雲細蟌的學名也應該要改為Ischnura rubilio,作者認為後續更全面的檢視各地區的標本後可能還會有新種產生。但依據現有證據,現階段臺灣的朝雲細蟌族群應更名為Ischnura rubilio。(1)

(1) Lorenzo-Carballa, M. O., Sanmartín-Villar, I, Cordero-Rivera, A. 2022. Molecular and morphological analyses support different taxonomic units for Asian and Australo-Pacific forms of Ischnura aurora (Odonata, Coenagrionidae). Diversity 14: 606. https://www.mdpi.com/1424-2818/14/8/606/htm

Publicerat 24 augusti 2022 06.18 av fangshuohu fangshuohu | 1 kommentar | Lämna en kommentar

20,000 obs accumulated!

The project accumulated 20,000 obs this evening, thanks to the growing popularity of iNat among nature-lovers in Taiwan. However, such a milestone would have arrived much earlier, if I was diligent enough. The statistics suggest there are 7,260 obs "suitable" so far, which indicates there are plenty of obs of Odonata left off the proj. I implore every users to help add to this proj.

Thank you!

11:01pm, Aug. 24, 2022 (Wed)

Publicerat 24 augusti 2022 15.03 av aru aru | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

26 augusti 2022

Converting to Collection Project & beyond ....

It might take very long time for the project to cover 90% of obs of odonata registered. So, the project was converted to "collection project" today. It, therefore, won't demand much attention for maintenance and no longer needs to add into the project manually.


Besides, an "umbrella project" was also created to cover other projects of the same theme, "Odonata of Asia". Welcome to visit the project.

此外,也設了一個「傘型專案」,這個傘底下集合了 iNat 上其他的亞州國家的蜻蜓主題專案。網址如下,歡迎瀏覽、利用。


It's quite interesting to find out more obs and learn more about species in our neighboring countries, which usually have very similar species distributed. The advantage of taxon allows us to roam all over other obs registered on iNat to know more about odonata in our neighboring areas.


In addition, some interesting statics worth sharing about Odonata observations on iNat in Asia. (as of now, 9:50pm, Aug. 26, 2022)

有些有趣的統計數據(iNat 上的蜻蛉目物種觀察)值得分享(八月26日 9:50pm 的統計)。

observations 觀察記錄(數量)

  1. SG 新加坡 28,666.
  2. TW 台 27,179,
  3. HK 港 21,427,
  4. Indonesia 印尼 (ID) 12,305
  5. Thai (TH) 泰 10,139

species 觀察到的物種種類

  1. ID 印尼 & CN 中 377,
  2. TH 泰 344,
  3. MY 馬 292
  4. India (IN) 印度 269

observers 觀察者人數

  1. TW 台 2,421
  2. ID 印尼 1,554
  3. HK 港 1,499
  4. MY 馬 1,454
  5. JP 日 987
Publicerat 26 augusti 2022 14.30 av aru aru | 2 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar