Taiwan Dragonflies and Damselfliess Dagbok

Dagboksarkiv för november 2018

7 november 2018

illustrated guides on internet 網路上的圖鑑

These 3 are what I used the most when id species.


台灣蜻蜓 The Dragonflies of Taiwan
by 曹美華 Mei-Hua TSOU

神戸のトンボ Odonata of KOBE 神戶的蜻蜓
デジタルトンボ図鑑 日本産トンボリスト Odonata list of Japan 日本蜻蜓圖鑑
by 青木典司 Takashi AOKI

한국의 잠자리 Dragonfly in Korea 韓國的蜻蜓
한국산 잠자리 목록 Odonata list of Korea 韓國蜻蜓名錄
by 정광수 Jung Kwang Soo

When it comes to resources on Taiwan's odonates, one of the most invaluable sources is "The Dragonflies of Taiwan" by Mr. Tsou. This website meticulously catalogues all odonates recorded in Taiwan, complete with photographs showcasing both genders and their larvae. Additionally, each photo is annotated with critical features specific to each species, enhancing its practicality for enthusiasts and researchers alike.


Furthermore, given the overlap of common species among Taiwan, Japan, and Korea, websites dedicated to odonates in Japan and Korea also serve as valuable references for observers in Taiwan. Mr. Aoki's "Odonata of Kobe" stands out as a comprehensive work, offering a wealth of knowledge alongside engaging journals. Personally, I find the "Blog: Dragonfly Journal" section particularly captivating; it feels as though one is accompanying Mr. Aoki on field trips, immersing oneself in his "Master Class" through vivid descriptions and intriguing photographs. Similarly, "Dragonflies in Korea" by Jung Kwang Soo excels in its presentation of beautifully enlarged photos that allow for a detailed examination of each species' features.

日、韓兩國也有不少與台灣相同的物種,所以也極具參考價值。尤其是青木先生的「神戸のトンボ」,堪稱是大師之作,內容豐富,資料詳盡,還有各種生態方面的解說。他的「ブログ:続 トンボ歳時記」(1)單元更是精彩,讀這個部落格,就彷彿跟著青木先生一起去野外實地觀察蜻蜓一般,有上「大師班」的感覺。而Jung Kwang Soo 的韓國圖鑑則是有精美的放大照片(2)可以看到所有的細節。

(1) ブログ:続 トンボ歳時記 http://www.odonata.jp/archives/latest.html
(2) enlarged photo, take Epophthalmia elegans (Brauer, 1865) for sample,

Publicerat 7 november 2018 05.00 av aru aru | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

30 november 2018

Statistics as of Nov. 30, 2018

....item......... ....number.... comparing with Oct.
observation: .....3,091........+358
species (& ssp): 117 (120) .+12

Twelve new species added to the Proj. in Nov.

117 賽琳蜻蜓 Rhyothemis severini Ris, 1913……………………. 11/19
116* 琉球晏蜓 Gynacantha ryukyuensis Asahina, 1962…….. 11/19
115 黃腹洵蟌 Megalestes maai Chen, 1947………………………..11/14
114* 蟲莖春蜓 Burmagomphus vermicularis (Martin, 1904)...11/8
113 鉸剪春蜓 Sinogompohus formosanus Asahina, 1951……...11/8
112 刃鋏晏蜓 Sarasaeschna tsaopiensis (Yeh & Chen, 2000)...11/8
111 短痣勾蜓 Chlorogomphus brevistigma Oguma, 1926 .......11/9 id (10/13)
110 浡鋏晏蜓 Gynacantha bayadera Selys, 1891 ........................ 11/8
109 蟲莖春蜓 Burmagomphus vermicularis (Martin, 1904) ........11/8
108 鉸剪春蜓 Sinogompohus formosanus Asahina, 1951 ...........11/8
107 刃鋏晏蜓 Sarasaeschna tsaopiensis (Yeh & Chen, 2000) ……..11/8
106 扶桑蜻蜓 Orthetrum japonicum internum McLachlan, 1894…...11/7 added (10/9)

Seven new members joined in Nov.

45 @chinaberryhuang (11/1)
46 @plaintiger (11/7)
47 @hsieh-chi-chun (11/9)
48 @mish3 (11/22)
49 @vole (11/23)
50 @leaf1234 (11/24)
51 @naturalist3470 (11/27)

In Nov. there were not as many odonates as previous months, but still quite a lot of obs added to the proj. The accumulated obs of the Proj exceeded 3,000 this month, and also logged 120 sp & ssp. I think this number 120 sp & ssp covered most of odonates in Taiwan.

According to the report (Yeh, 2009), there were close to 80 species sighted in Nov. then reduced to about 60+ in Dec. So, quite many species are expected to be sighted in Dec as well. If the weather is fine, pls also go out to take some photos of odonates.

Hong @doggy0406 has been topping the boards of both obs and species; in fact, Hong has not only been championing in our Proj but also the top contributor in terms of species and obs in Taiwan.

Sin Syue Li @cleanylee is the toppest mover in our most-species board. Li contributed many rare species which are the very first observations on iNat. With 51 species, Li is currently taking the position of 2nd runner-up. In his 63 obs of odonates, there are 51 sp. He is the most efficient (sp./obs) contributor of the Proj. Thanks to his years of observations and accumulation.

Yeh, W. C. 葉文琪, 2009 "The Diversity of Taiwan's Odonata Fauna" 「台灣蜻蜓目昆蟲的多樣性」p. 27, Forestry Research Newsletter 林業研究專訊 Vol. 16 No. 1.

Publicerat 30 november 2018 15.48 av aru aru | 0 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar