Taiwan Dragonflies and Damselfliess Dagbok

Dagboksarkiv för oktober 2019

1 oktober 2019

累積超過 100 個物種觀察記錄的成員:Tyus Ma

Tyus Ma (@tyus) 於九月24日加入了 iNaturalist 之後的短短一周內,就在今天(十月一日)中午前累計上傳了超過 100 (101)個蜻蛉目物種的觀察記錄。Tyus 觀察記錄十分精彩,令人目不暇給,不僅物種多樣性高,攝影更具有專業水準;若只看他的記錄會令人懷疑圖鑑上那些標記「稀有」的物種是否描述有誤。

Tyus Ma 也成為了繼 fangshuohu 之後,第二位累積超過 100 個蜻蛉目物種觀察記錄的成員。而這兩位殷勤的蜻蛉目觀察者也在上周接下了本專案 curator 的任務,相信由於他們的加入,我們的專案水準能大幅提升。

恭喜 Tyus Ma 達到累積 100 個物種的里程碑,也謝謝你對專案的付出。

Tyus Ma, the member with obs of more than 100 species

Shortly after registering as an iNaturalist user on September 24th, Tyus Ma (@tyus) began sharing remarkable observations showcasing the rich diversity of dragonflies and damselflies in Taiwan, accompanied by high-quality photographs. Within a week, he had amassed an impressive collection of 101 species of Odonata by noon on the first day of October. This achievement made Tyus the second member of the project to reach over 100 species, following in the footsteps of fangshuohu. Both Tyus Ma and fangshuohu have since been appointed as curators of the project. With their expertise added to the project's leadership, we anticipate promising developments ahead.

Congratulations to Tyus Ma for reaching the milestone of 100 species, and heartfelt gratitude for your valuable contributions.

粒積超過 100 个物種觀察記錄的成員:Tyus Ma

Tyus Ma (@tyus) 宁九月24日加入了 iNaturalist 之後的短短一禮拜以內,就宁今仔(十月一日)中晝前,累計上傳了超過 100 (101)个蜻蛉目物種的觀察記錄。Tyus 的觀察記錄非常精彩,予人目不暇給,不只物種多樣性高,攝影更加有專業水準;若干焦看伊的記錄會使人懷疑圖鑑裡遐的標記著「稀罕」的物種敢有毋著。

Tyus Ma 嘛是宁咧 fangshuohu 之後,第二个粒積超過 100 个蜻蛉目物種觀察記錄的成員。這兩位骨力的蜻蛉目觀察者嘛宁咧頂禮拜接任本專案 curator 的任務,相信有in(人因)的加入,咱專案的水準會有顯著的提升。

恭喜 Tyus Ma 達到累積 100 个物種的坎站,嘛感謝伊對咱專案的付出。

Publicerat 1 oktober 2019 08.54 av aru aru | 2 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

5 oktober 2019

兩個可能變更的學名 / Possible taxon change in the checklist of Taiwan

  1. 扶桑蜻蜓
    Orthetrum japonicum internum McLachlan, 1894
    => Orthetrum internum McLachlan, 1894
    根據苅部治紀 (KARUBE Haruki) 等人於2012年發表的研究(*1),日本就把這隻蜻蜓從 O. japonicum internum 亞種升格成 O. internum 「種」。連中國今年最新的出版的「中国蜻蜓大图鉴」(*2)也採用這種見解。「臺灣生物多樣性國家資訊網」雖然也引用苅部治紀等人於2012年發表的研究結果,把「無霸勾蜓」的學名從Anotogaster sieboldii (Selys, 1854) 改成 Anotogaster klossii Fraser, 1919。 但是,TaiBNET / TaiCOL 並沒有據此研究更改「扶桑蜻蜓」的學名。台灣會把它命名為扶桑蜻蜓,應該是根據他的學名 O. japonicum internum 來的,這也許是台灣學界不肯把它「升格」的原因之一。
    Based on Karube et al (2012) (*1), the publications & internet dragonfly websites in Japan have been employing O. internum since. The latest Chinese publication on Odonata in China by Dr. Zhang (*2) also accepted such conclusion. It's puzzling why Taiwan's academia not. Curiously enough the same research conclusion was used to modify the taxon of Anotogaster sieboldii to Anotogaster klossi as published on website of TaiBNET/TaiCOL.(*3)
    根據苅部 治紀 (KARUBE Haruki) 等人宁 2012 年所發表的研究(*1),日本就加這隻田蛜按 O. japonicum internum 亞種升格做 O. internum 「種」。連中國今年上新出版的「中国蜻蜓大图鉴」(*2) 嘛採用這款見解。「臺灣生物多樣性國家資訊網」雖然嘛引用苅部治紀等人宁咧 2012 年所發表的研究結果,加「無霸勾蜓」的學名按 Anotogaster sieboldii (Selys, 1854) 改成 Anotogaster klossii Fraser, 1919。 但是,TaiBNET / TaiCOL 並無根據這个研究來更改「扶桑蜻蜓」的學名。台灣加號作「扶桑蜻蜓」,應該是根據伊的學名 O. japonicum internum 來的,這無定著嘛是台灣學界毋肯加伊「升格」的原因之一。

  2. 灰黑蜻蜓
    Orthetrum melania (Selys, 1883)
    => Orthetrum melania continentale Sasamoto & Futahashi, 2013
    從 iNat 上的觀察紀錄來看,日本的 O. melania 比台灣的好認,比較有特色。青木先生去年夏天在通信中告訴我 O. melania 有四個亞種,其中三個在日本;在台灣、中国和朝鮮半島是另一個亞種 ssp. continentale。(但是「中国蜻蜓大图鉴」的記載是「异色灰蜻 Orthetrum melania melania (Selys, 1883)」) 原來台灣與日本的「灰黑蜻蜓」是不同亞種,所以看起來不太一樣。
    (還有一個亞種在越南北部,ssp. superbum (*6 )。但是這五個亞種的學名都還沒有新增到 iNat 的資料庫中。)
    One can easily find that O. melania in Japan are more distinctive than those in Taiwan on iNat. I was told, "species O. melamia is divided into four subspecies, i.e. melania melania, m. continentale, m. ryukyuense, and m. yaeyamense. Spp. continentale is distributed in Taiwan, Korea Peninsular and China, not in Japan.(*4)" by Mr. AOKI Takashi in the email correspondence last May (2018). Mr. AOKI subsequently rewrote his website and added to his Japanese checklist with 2 southern ssp. and modified O. melania into O. m. melania.(*5). Later on, I learnt there are 5 ssp., O. m. superbum distributes in northern Vietnam. The taxa of all these 5 ssp. have yet to be added to the iNat database.
    自 iNat 的觀察紀錄來看,日本的 O. melania 比台灣的好認,較有特色。青木先生舊年熱人宁咧通信中加我講 O. melania 有四个亞種,其中三个宁咧日本;毋過宁台灣、中国偕朝鮮半島是另外一个亞種 ssp. continentale。(「中国蜻蜓大图鉴」的記載是「异色灰蜻 Orthetrum melania melania (Selys, 1883)」) 原來台灣偕日本的「灰黑蜻蜓」是無仝款的亞種,所以看起來無相siang (相同)。
    (猶有一个亞種宁越南北部,ssp. superbum (*6 )。毋過這五个亞種的學名朗猶未收入 iNat 的資料庫裡。)

  3. Remarks:

(1) Karube, H., R. Futahashi, A. Sasamoto & Itsuro Kawashima, 2012. Taxonomic revision of Japanese odonate species, based on nuclear and mitochondrial gene genealogies and morphological comparison with allied species. Part 1. Tombo Fukui, 54: 75-106.
(2) 张浩淼,2019,中国蜻蜓大图鉴,重庆大学出版社,P. 832。
(3) http://taibnet.sinica.edu.tw/chi/taibnet_species_detail.php?name_code=427215
(4) Akihiko Sasamoto and Ryo Futahashi, 2013. Taxonomic revision of status of Orthetrum triangulare and melania group (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) based on molecular phylogenetic analyses and morphological comparisons, with a description of three new subspecies of melania. Tombo 55:57-82.
(5) http://odonata.jp/03imago/index.html
(6) O. m. superbum Kompier & Futahashi, 2016
last edited:
05:30pm, Oct. 27, 2019 typo correction & rephrasing.
07:07pm, Oct. 26, 2019 appending Taiwanese edition.

Publicerat 5 oktober 2019 07.50 av aru aru | 7 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar

31 oktober 2019

Month End Report, Oct. 2019 / 十月份的報告

Month End Report, Oct. 2019 (EN/英)
2019 年十月份的報告 (TW/台)**
Statistics as of October 31, 2019 十月底的統計資料
....item......... ....number.... comparing with Sept... (MoM)
...........項 目.......................... 數量 ...........增加/減少(比列)
observation 觀察記錄: .....8,585...........+423...(-16.2%)

species (& ssp) ..物種: .........135(138).......+3

member...專案成員數: ...........95 ................+1...(-85.7%)

The number of obs added to the Project further decreased comparing with Sept., only a bit more than 83% of what we gained last month. The number was expected to have dropped much more, thanks to the comeback of Hong @doggy0406, there was no drastic downsize. However, the numbers are expected to decline in coming months as well. There are quite some 750 obs of Odonata logged in Taiwan but not having been collected to the Proj. So, some reviews will be conducted in the near future to collect those left out of the Proj.
十月份咱這个專案所收錄的觀察記錄偕九月份比起來閣進一步減少,只有頂個月的八成較加。本來按算會減閣較贅,若無芳仔(Hong @doggy0406) 重出江湖,就煞連頂個月的七成嘛無。閣去就應該會減未加矣!毋過猶有750 幾條台灣的田蛜和秤仔的記錄無收錄入來,小括閣整理一下,加遐兮收入來,嘛是真可觀。橫直咱這个專案就欲開始度小月矣,拄仔好會使趁彼陣來加整理一下。
Two things worthwhile mentioning in this Oct.


  1. "Sympetrum fonscolombii" logged at Kenting area by Sin Syue Li@cleanylee
    第一項是 Sin Syue Li @cleanylee 宁咧墾丁記錄著的「紅脈蜻蜓」
    The species was reported from the northern part of Taiwan and eastern islands*(1), so it was rare (at least, none as I knew of) to see one in the southernmost of Taiwan. However, Sin Syue Li stated that he saw a female last Oct at the very same spot, so the species should occur every year but nobody had ever paid attn to it before.

    這隻田蛜目前干焦知影伊分布咧台灣北部參東部離島(1),所以宁墾丁記錄著算講是真稀罕。不而過 Sin Syue Li 講伊舊年踮仝一个所在嘛看著一隻母的;所以應該是逐年朗會出現,只是無人捌去注意爾。(人講:「溜溜瞅瞅,食兩蕊目睭。」無的確是 Sin Syue Li 有鷹仔目!)
    The species is considered as vagrant in Japan flying from the continent, however, many were sighted on the Pacific coast (2), which appears quite similar here, too. There were sighting reports from the northern Taiwan, Green Islands (3) and Kenting as well. So, it's quite reasonable to say this species also occurs along the eastern coast of Taiwan. A small population of the species scatter in the long coastal area where fewer people live might be the reason preventing the species from being sighted in the long eastern part. As we can tell from iNat community, the obs logged in the eastern coastal area are rather few as well. But as long as people keep logging what they encounter in the field, I think the sighting from Hualian & Taitung is just a matter of time.
    這隻田蛜宁日本嘛是予當做「迷蜓」(飛毋知路的田蛜),一般是認為自大陸飛過去(日本)矣,毋過宁太平洋這朋沿海的所在嘛有真贅發現!(2)按呢看起來略仔成台灣目前所知影的情形:北部、綠島(3) 和墾丁。咱會使合理推論:這隻田蛜宁東部(花蓮偕台東)嘛有,只是族群數量無贅,東部海岸真長,亦閣較少人蹛,所以到达猶無目擊報告;這對 iNat 觀察記錄嘛看會出來:花蓮、台東的海線,觀察記錄朗真少。繼續加觀察落去,我想:欲宁東部發現這隻田蛜只是時間的問題。
    .This species distributes "in much of central and southern Europe including most Mediterranean islands, North Africa, the Middle East, Mongolia, south-western Asia, including the Indian Subcontinent, the Indian Ocean Islands and Sri Lanka." And it "has increasingly been found in northwest Europe, including Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Britain and Ireland." (4)

    Regarding the assumption or hypothesis in Japan that the species is from Asia Continent, this should be hard to substantiate since many were reported from the eastern coastal area in Japan, and also eastern island of Taiwan. (It's difficult to prove it wrong as well.) Now we learnt the species also occurs in the southernmost of Taiwan. So, could it come from the south? Or would there be 2 migrant routes, one from the West, from Mongolia, then China, Korean Peninsula, then Japan & Taiwan; the other from the South (South-west), from India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Borneo (or Indochina), Philippines, then Taiwan & Japan? This is really an intriguing question! Human beings asked not only ourselves, where we are from, who we are and where we are going but are also curious about other beings. (feel like putting Paul Gauguin's famous painting, D'où venons-nous? Que sommes-nous? Où allons-nous?, as illustration here.)
    因為宁東朋沿海地區嘛有真贅記錄,煞加懷疑這隻田蛜是對大陸飛過去日本的假設未對同(嘛仝款無法度證偽);而且此嘛知影是宁台灣北朋、東朋的綠島偕墾丁朗有,所以伊嘛是有可能按南朋上北的。亦是講伊分做兩路?一路對大陸北方來:蒙古、中國、朝鮮半島然後日本、台灣?另外猶有行海路對南(西南)方來的:印度、斯里蘭卡、印尼、婆羅洲、(中南半島)、然後菲律賓、台灣?「大哉問!」這實在是一个真趣味的問題。咱毋但問家己對佗位來,咱是誰,欲去佗位。咱對其他的生物嘛是有仝款的好奇。(想欲加"補.久鏡"彼幅有名的圖《D'où venons-nous? Que sommes-nous? Où allons-nous?》 囥宁這。)

  2. The obs logged by Hong at costal area on Oct. 26
    Those obs show the species that we can find near the coast which are supposed to have the capacity of enduring or tolerating brackish water, some species might even prefer brackish water to the fresh one. Well, here are what Hong logged then.
    Ischnura senegalensis ...............青紋細蟌

    Macrodiplax cora ...................... 高翔蜻蜓

    Tramea transmarina euryale .. 海霸蜻蜓 微斑亞種

    Crocothemis s. servilia ............ 猩紅蜻蜓

    Diplacodes trivialis ................... 侏儒蜻蜓

    Tramea virginia .......................... 大華蜻蜓

    Membership 專案成員

The 95th member 大可 @chihting joined us on Oct. 11. Welcome to the Project!
第 95 號的成員大可 @chihting 宁咧十月11加入了咱專案,歡迎!
Invited by Kuan-Chieh (Chuck) Hung @pseudoshuigeeee to attending "Taipei International Birdwatching Fair 2019" at Guandu *(5), where, besides Chuck, I also met Lin Scott @linscott and Cynthia Su @cynthiasu on Oct. 19. There seems to be many birdwatchers among our members and they know one another well. I was glad to meet three members at the venue and had very good time chatting with one another. Looking forward to meeting them again soon.
受著 Kuan-Chieh (Chuck) Hung @pseudoshuigeeee 的邀請,我宁10月19去關渡的「台北國際賞鳥博覽會」,宁遐除了 Chuck,嘛有見着 Scott @linscott 偕 Cynthia @cynthiasu;敢若咱的成員內底看鳥仔的人真贅,而且互相熟似。會當熟似三位咱的成員,逐家做伙開講,實在真歡喜,嘛期待再相會。
If any of our member comes to the northern part of Taipei and could spare some time for meetup, I wish to take the opportunity to know everyone of you.
Remarks / 註解

** TW is used to indicate Taiwanese Hokkien language here. However, the author well understands that there are several languages in Taiwan and Hokkien is only one of them.

(1) 林斯正、楊平世,2016,臺灣蜻蛉目昆蟲檢索圖鑑,特有生物保育中心,p. 123。
(2) 青木典司,神戸のトンボ ,標記「迷」http://odonata.jp/03imago/index.html
..... http://odonata.jp/03imago/Libellulidae/Sympetrum/fonscolombii/index.html
(3) http://www.taibif.tw/zh/namecode/349795
(4) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red-veined_darter
(5) Taipei International Birdwatching Fair 2019, 台北國際賞鳥博覽會 http://birdfair.org.tw/

last edit: 17:00, Nov. 11, 2019

Publicerat 31 oktober 2019 15.59 av aru aru | 2 kommentarer | Lämna en kommentar